Pilates is an exercise system focused on improving flexibility and strength. Tight muscles become longer and more flexible, weak muscles build strength and stamina.

Developing body awareness through one-on-one instruction will increase your knowledge of core muscle strength and spinal alignment, providing the necessary tools to not only develop but also maintain overall postural awareness. Pilates has a strong focus on moving with directed intention.

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." - Henry David Thoreau



Pilates can be an important part of a dancers cross training as it increases strength and flexibility simultaneously. It targets the deep muscles closest to the spine which encourages proper alignment. Pilates draws your attention to creating a better balanced dancer.

"Today I encourage dancers to explore how Pilates can help them physically and mentally for their career. Pilates is an ideal form of complete body conditioning as the focus is on strengthening the deep support muscles and balancing all muscles groups around the joints of the entire body." - Karen Kain, Artistic Director National Ballet of Canada


Paula received her Mat Certification from Body Harmonics in Toronto in 2006 and taught at her own private studio in Toronto until 2011. In Vancouver Paula was a guest teacher at ICORD and West Coast Ballet. Email info@paulaskimin.com for rates and booking information, studio located in Guelph. Paula is now teaching body awareness to singers, actors and musicians studying in post-secondary programs such as Opera Performance at the University of Toronto.